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How to Raise Money with Your Excess Items

Before you start packing, you should sort your things and segregate the things you no longer need. To get rid of them, you can easily donate them to charity. But if you want you can also sell them to raise money for your move. By doing so, you will even save money because you will no longer have to pack them carefully and transport them to your new address.   The most popular way of selling secondhand items is through auction sites like eBay. If you decide to do this, you should take great photos of the items to showcase them and make them inviting for the buyers. The description should be detailed so the buyers will know what they are buying. To make buying convenient, offer multiple modes of payment too. If you want less hassle, you could indicate that the items are for pick up. Of course, you could always ship them and simply charge the buyer for it.   You could also do a garage sale one weekend. Sort all your things and display them according to the type of item. Make sure you advertise the sale well though to ensure that many people will attend it. Post ads in classified ads, free online classified ads and post attractive ads in posts around area to make the sale known. On the day of the sale prepare extras change and bags for the sold items. Display the best items near the streets to attract passersby to check out the sale.   You can join a flea market if you don't have a yard. For a small fee these events are already well-advertised. You just need to start selling. At the end of the day, you can close up and simply drop all that are left at the charity center.