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How to Gracefully Handle Tenants Moving out

When you are a landlord, there will always come a time when a tenant has to move out. There are ways in which you could handle this situation gracefully. It is important for both the tenant and the landlord to communicate effectively during the move out process.
In most states, a 30-day notice is required for tenants who are planning to move out. This allows you to prepare for the move-out process and look for a new tenant once the apartment is vacated. 
Once you receive a move-out notice from your tenant, arrange an exit interview. An exit interview allows you to identify the experience of the tenants during their stay. The results of the interview may be used to improve your facility and relationship with future tenants.  One of the questions you may ask during the exit interview is whether it is possible to show the apartment to prospective tenants without much disruption in the old tenant's routine. Another thing is to ask their new address. You need this information to be able to send their security deposit check.
If you have good relationship with the tenant, considering sending him holiday greeting cards. This way, your old tenants will easily remember you when they have friends looking for an apartment to rent. Lastly, prepare the apartment for the next tenant. Once the apartment is ready, you can readily accommodate tenants inquiring for it.