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Garage Sale 101

Is it your first time to host a garage sale? Here are a few tips that could make your first time a blast:   - Ask for help- ask your friends and relatives if they want to help you or participate in the garage sale. There's a greater chance that people will flock in your garage sale if you have a wider selection of items on sale. Your friends and relatives can help you advertise the garage sale. You can just split the cost amongst yourselves.   - Price low but fair- the general rule of thumb in pricing is you get one-fifth of the retail price for used items that are still in good shape whilst one-third of the retail value for slightly used items.   - Make BOTO logos- BOTO stands for "Buy One Take One". It is usually used to entice customers to purchase multiple items. It's best applied in garage sales for the main purpose of hosting a garage sale is getting rid of multiple items in the first place.   - Clean your items anew- clean those stuff that needs cleaning and repair those that needs fixing. Make your old things seem brand new.    - Market your garage sale- you may pay the most widely read newspaper to include your garage sale in their classified ads section the day before and the morning of your sale. You'll be charged per word, so it is a good idea to think of a concise thing to say in the paper before calling the paper. Make sure you include the date and time of your sale and your street address. You may also include a brief run down of specific items you will be selling such as, toys, art supplies, paintings, but only if you deem it necessary. If the items are branded, put the label, it will help you attract buyers.   - Put signage- put signage about your garage sale in high-traffic areas of your neighborhood. A hard piece of thick cardboard spray painted in a striking color with your address and sale hours printed large enough to read will surely bring a lot of people to your door.   - Categorise your items - it will be easier for people to find what they want if you're items are arranged accordingly -clothes with clothes, jewelries with jewelries, toys with toys, etc.   Do these tips and you'll be on your way to turning your trash into cash in no time!